Sunday, April 09, 2006

Sunroom has begun

Actually at this point, we're talking demolition of the old deck. So far they have the roof and the handrails off. It already looks better! I'd almost be satisfied at this point with just the roof off! Meanwhile, I'm posting a "before" picture. This is the two-man crew removing the old roof. I don't know if you can tell, but it had no pitch on it - no slant for the water to drainl. That meant that there was an enormous amount of mold and water damage underneath. It was pretty gross. The people who lived here before us were brilliant - an attorney and a Coca-Cola manager. But obviously they were dumb as shit when it came to plain, old-fashioned common sense.

Yay! I finished putting my numbers together for my taxes. Now Richard can get them done later today. He gets to plug them into Turbo-Tax. If anyone wants to know what the cost of being a realtor is, my expenses before gas were more than $10,000. This includes insurance, dues, MLS fees, marketing, advertising, etc. With gas, that's another $1732. Yikes. BUT it's so worth it. It does take some time to build a business, but I doubled mine this year from last year and I want to double it again. I think as long as you're honest, energetic, and you truly put your clients needs above your own, you will build a reputation as a professional Realtor.

I meant to get up and go to church this morning, but I guess I died in my sleep. I woke up at (are you sitting) ELEVEN O'CLOCK. I couldn't believe it! My poor dogs must have bladders the size of basketballs! Bless their hearts! And I mean that in a NICE way. The "You're a mess" way. haha.


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