Friday, December 01, 2006

Oh What Fun It Was to Watch

UPDATE: Okay, so I've gotten a phone call from Mom asking if I still go to church, especially after I wrote that I didn't appreciate everyone jumping to their feet at the Hallelujah chorus and therefore blocking my view. Then I talked to my born-n-raised Baptist friend Mandi and she was shocked that I felt that way because she said "That's just what you do here. It's like when you stand for the National Anthem." I did not know this. Apparently it must be a Tennessee tradition or something because I never ever ever heard of it before. So if I have offended anyone, sorry. But I'm still not standing next time because it just feels completely unnatural to me. I will stand for the Pledge of Allegiance the National Anthem, though.

I've always wanted to see the Rockettes and it was well worth the trouble! But one of hte girls in my troop should be renamed Liar Liarson. I swear, that kid had so much fun at camp but I'm still having to hear her mom griping about it. So she had a great time at the Rockettes - I looked at her several times and she was totally enjoying it. So we get her back to Mom and she says, "It was okay, but I slept most of the time." I looked at her and said, "Stop lying to your mother. I watched you and you enjoyed it." Aaaarrgggghhhhhh! I don't know if she says that shit because she thinks it's what her mom wants to hear or if she's just a liar liar pants on fire.

But the Rockettes were a lot of fun... I really enjoyed the soldiers dance and fall. Very clever. The nativity scene was very very cool until the Alleluia song started playing - then all the asshats in front of us stood up. In front of us - our section only. Well, except for the herd of red-hatted old ladies in the very front row. People. We were not at church. We were at a paid performance. Please take your seats because while your public display of faith and worship may be admirable in the eyes of some people, it was very disrespectful of other people in the audience and very much unappreciated.

And Ivy has a tale to weave as well. So I'm going to post this gripe-fest to send her a picture to go along with her fun times.


Blogger Lynnster said...

"Liar Liarson"... tee hee.

7:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's a tradition to stand during the Hallelujah chorus:

I'm surprised you didn't know that:

12:29 AM  

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