Sunday, November 19, 2006

SNL Skit Offensive

I love Saturday Night Live -- started watching it during its first season. Yes, I'm that old. But there was a skit on this week that I found jaw-dropping. Rapper Ludacris was guest host and apparently his lyrics are pretty graphic. They turned this persona into a marriage counseling skit ... in the skit, couples were advised to just "bitch slap" their spouse to get them in line.

I told my husband that I found it shocking and disturbing. I know the show is a comedy yadda yadda yadda, but it was in terrible taste. I tried to find a link to the skit on youtube, but couldn't. I'm very surprised that domestic violence groups haven't already been (as they should) screaming about it.

Here's a synopsis of the skit that someone live-blogged:
Bitc*slap Method - Samantha Hawkins (Maya Rudolph) hosts this informercial with Dr. Archibald Bitc*slap (Host) about his method of helping troubled marriages. The two families are Pete and Donna Longhorne (Jason Sudeikis and Kristen Wiig) and Jody and Deborah Preston (Bill Hader and Amy Poehler). Both families praised the method.

I have a feeling that the SNL headlines are coming and it won't be pretty. Any criticism is well deserved, especially when - even jokingly - this type of violence is condoned and encouraged.


Blogger Lynnster said...

I adored SNL and like you, I watched it from the beginning. I think I finally gave up on it around 1993 or 1994. It just wasn't funny anymore to me.

I've seen a few scant episodes since then and rather enjoyed Jimmy Fallon and Tina Fey when I did, but it just wasn't enough to get me interested again. This is particular that you wrote about is just sad to me.

1:42 AM  
Blogger Sonia said...

SNL sucks. I havne't found them the least bit funny in years now. Mad Tv is so much better.

7:18 AM  

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