What a Difference a Day Makes
Yesterday's snow (my reaction was much like Ginger's "WTF?" comment in my previous post then gales of laughter at school being canceled when the roads were absolutely clear):

Today's snow:

My reaction today:

Dogs reaction:

"Uh...duh huh... what's that cold? Let me back in!"
So no school today. Yippee! But it begs the question: why is it when you HAVE to get up and get the kids ready I can barely keep my eyes open, but when I don't have to I bounce right out of bed? Yesterday, the same thing. Woke right up and pounced on the day.
I'm feeling like Lynnster today... volunteering to work on some projects for other people. I have a kick-ass buyer book and my pal Susie has one too that she loaned me. So I updated mine using her fantastic information, then I'm building copies for another couple of agents who work out of our Franklin office.
And speaking of Lynnster, has anyone said lately how wonderful she is? That girl! I can't wait to meet her on Saturday at the Sarcastro baby shower! I'm so glad he and his wife are bringing another little life into this world because it's another fantastic reason to gather with friends. (Oops, is this bloggers blogging about other bloggers?) (hahahahaha) I think I'm bringing paper and pen to try to catch a few people for the wrinkles because I want to write 70 more of them this year and have only done ONE. Ugh. I'm behind! But I'll get caught up.

Today's snow:

My reaction today:

Dogs reaction:

"Uh...duh huh... what's that cold? Let me back in!"
So no school today. Yippee! But it begs the question: why is it when you HAVE to get up and get the kids ready I can barely keep my eyes open, but when I don't have to I bounce right out of bed? Yesterday, the same thing. Woke right up and pounced on the day.
I'm feeling like Lynnster today... volunteering to work on some projects for other people. I have a kick-ass buyer book and my pal Susie has one too that she loaned me. So I updated mine using her fantastic information, then I'm building copies for another couple of agents who work out of our Franklin office.
And speaking of Lynnster, has anyone said lately how wonderful she is? That girl! I can't wait to meet her on Saturday at the Sarcastro baby shower! I'm so glad he and his wife are bringing another little life into this world because it's another fantastic reason to gather with friends. (Oops, is this bloggers blogging about other bloggers?) (hahahahaha) I think I'm bringing paper and pen to try to catch a few people for the wrinkles because I want to write 70 more of them this year and have only done ONE. Ugh. I'm behind! But I'll get caught up.
Wow! Yipee! Snow!
Hey, I'm just like you...want to sleep in everyday I have to get up...but if we get to sleep in, I'm wide awake... grrrrr...
I can't wait either, I am so excited about tomorrow! I would have been really sad if you and Ivy weren't going to be able to make it. (Even though I expect I'm gonna be up there plenty throughout the year!) Woohoo!
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