Saturday, December 02, 2006

Please Don't Give Me a Ticket

I just read on Comcast how a police officer let two men get out of a ticket because they "rapped" for him. I suppose the hoo-ha is because of the racial implications, but let me tell you. I would absolutely rap to get out of a ticket.

"Yeah my name is Kat
I ain't no brat
But I got two girls
They like their curls
But brats they can be
Though they a product of me
I want to pinch their heads off
Until they say they have enough
They should clean their room
Or I'll give them their doom
Da da da dot da da dot dot dot"

What think you? Should I keep my day job?


Blogger Newscoma said...

I think you have a future in the rap world.

12:36 PM  
Blogger Kathy T. said...

Daughters think I do not need to quit my day job.

12:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, UM......People did buy William Hung's album. ;)

4:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Uh, well... is there any nobility in being recognized as a 'bad example'? *grin*

7:17 PM  

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