Friday, August 25, 2006

No Headache, but the Sniffles

I don't have that monster headache like Brittney and my friend Mandi, but I sure have the sniffles today. Yes, this cold is all the hard evidence I need to declare it the official start of the school year! Every single year my kids drag home some crud for me to catch within the first two weeks of school. Every single year. I would say "Every. Single. Year." but I know that annoys some people! haha!

So today I have to hit the streets of LaVergne begging for money. I'm working with my company Bob Parks Realty, LLC to raise money for "Christmas for the Children." Every year our local school give us names of children who are unlikely to have Christmas without us and we raise money, buy a full set of clothes (including coats, undergarments, etc.) and a toy for their Christmas gifts. Our Murfreesboro offices are hosting a golf tournament in a couple of weeks and our office is supposed to raise $15,000. So far I've raised about $50. If any of our local businessmen read this blog, please please please contact me and make a donation. UPDATE: I'm not going out today because my colleague just called and can't make it until Monday, plus I feel like doo-doo. Hey maybe WKRN can give us a nice $200-$1000 donation! It is tax-exempt and it's a good cause! :)

Speaking of WKRN, I am very much looking forward to the video editing class tomorrow. I can give everyone my cold. Actually, I'll use a lot of hand-sanitizer and try not to sit too close to anyone. Chip and I are riding together! He's driving since he knows where the studio is. I'll probably just use this free software I have on my computer that Windows provides.

I want to send Newscoma and the Rodent Queen my thoughts and prayers. They are going through a difficult time and I want them to know I'm thinking of them. I hope they have peace in their hearts knowing they are doing everything they can to bring love and comfort RQ's dad.

Okay, I can't breathe, so I'm signing off.


Blogger mark said...

hey Kathy call my cell at 995 2636 and I might can help you through my work...

1:51 PM  

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