Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Making a List

I was going to call today's post my Thankful Thursday since Woeful Wednesday is just not working for me. But alas, I'm taking the easy way out and just making a list, albeit for what/whom I'm thankful.
  • I'm grateful for having met so many Neat-o people through blogging. I want so badly to list everyone here but because I'm sure to miss someone I'm just going to make that big blanket statement. Thanks guys and gals for bringing much laughter, thought, and kind words into my life. I've met a lot of you and have become fast (hopefully lifelong) friends with some. Others I haven't had the privilege to meet (yet!) but you too have brought joy, tears, and a sense of belonging to a vibrant, smart community.
  • I am grateful for today's technology that allows me to type in my mailing labels to slap on the Christmas cards that I have yet to start. If I had to hand address them, my friends and family could look forward to getting them around January 28th.
  • I am thankful that I only send out the pathetic family letters to people who already know what goobers we are. They already laugh and make fun of us, so at least we can give them a reason to do so. Aren't families fun!? ha.
  • I am very happy that I had two closings this month so I am able to treat each of my daughters to "Mom's Day Out" lunch and shopping. The teenager had her day out on Monday (she's back in her room chained to her bed) and the pre-teen gets to go today after school (2-hour day).
  • I am shocked thankful that my marriage has made it 20 years. This Saturday the 23rd we will have a quiet dinner together, hold hands, and say "Hey Freakshow. I love you."
  • I am incredibly happy that my daughters love wrapping Christmas presents. This means I no longer have to stoop over for two hours, popping a disc in my aching back, to accomplish this. When your kids get to this age, they also like decorating the tree. If I could find a way to make them want to CLEAN the house, then I'd bottle the idea and sell it.
  • I am grateful to work in an office and in a business where compassion and helpfulness is not just talk, but a way of life. Last night, we gave out gifts and clothing to more than 100 children in LaVergne and Smyrna for Christmas. My family had eight children and the mother said the gifts we provided were to be the only Christmas her children had. I know some people may get angry at those words and one person even said, "Those people have no business having that many kids if they can't take care of them." When you look at it like that, I suppose they could be right. However, the children didn't ask to be brought into this world and my support is for the kids. Who knows, maybe one of those children will be the one to discover the cure for cancer or diabetes, or invent warp drive. Or maybe they'll live an ordinary life like most of us do, but grow up to be compassionate enough to help the children of future generations. Either way, I'm happy.
  • I'm thankful for Kat Coble for her warm heart. Her sharp mind and kind spirit is evident with every word she writes.
  • I am so very thankful that my husband has a regular full-time job.
  • I am grateful for running water and electricity. Yes, I am.
  • I am grateful for Al Gore. His invention of the Internet is just dandy.
  • I am thankful there are only two years left and pray to God that our next president will be more moderate, open to ideas, and ... well ... that she can restore respect and dignity to the White House and to this country.
  • I am grateful for bunny rabbits.
  • I am most appreciative of Smiley's 12 days series. His genius is NOT wasted. Oh! And here's the one with me, or Hera to you.
  • I am thankful for the cute News 2 mirror that Mike Sechrist sent me.
  • I am thankful that the little boy running up and down the hallway making a lot of noise won't be here all day.
Hope everyone has a nice day.


Blogger Lynnster said...

"Freakshow"? That is crazy cute and adorable! Woohoo on the 20 years, congratulations! In this day and age that's a real accomplishment. :)

4:49 PM  
Blogger Ginger said...

I love it!!! I am thank that YOU live in the same zip code as me and that we finally met. Can't wait to get together again! :)

6:32 PM  
Blogger Newscoma said...

I'm thankful for you.

3:06 AM  

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