Friday, December 29, 2006

Picture Today (and Buh Bye Saddam)

My pictures a day aren't going to be much fun, I can already tell.

Not much to post about here except we're on Saddam watch. It creeps me out that someone is scheduled to die. It's just a little bit horrifying that someone would know when the end will be. But I suppose people with incurable cancer and other diseases have a pretty good idea when their time is coming. So would I want to die unexpectedly or would I want to know when? I think I'd want a little notice to have time to make final preparations (write my own eulogy) and say goodbye to my loved ones. In that, perhaps Saddam's way to go is the best. But hanging? Sheesh. How about an injection or something?

Yikes. What a conversation.

UPDATE: I guess the higher you are, the harder you do fall. Saddam reached the end of the rope as a vicious dictator who directed cruelty, hatred, and murder to other human beings. My only question that remains: where is Osama bin Laden who truly deserves the same fate?


Blogger Newscoma said...

Got the same question, Kathy.

9:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"reached the end of his rope" <--I couldn't help but just crack up at that!

10:19 AM  

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