Sunday, February 11, 2007

Put On Your Dancing Shoes

Roxanne! Loved it. Loved. It. Bummed about The Grascals, though. If I coulda, I woulda voted for them. But you apparently must have some iota of musical talent to do so. And I guess I'm definitely a part of the biased left-wing conspiracy because I was thrilled to see the Dixie Chicks win! Yes, I'm sure politics played a big part but after they were shunned (and still are), I say hooray for them.

Have you seen the "Fab Faux" ... Will Lee's (base player from David Letterman's show) band that covers Beatles songs? They are fab. Will has actually long been one of my favorite musicians on the Letterman show.

Update: I also just finished watching tonight's "Extras" on HBO. I don't know which show makes me more uncomfortable watching it: Extras or Curb Your Enthusiasm. Watching while Andy watched people reviewing his horrible show, then him ruining the play with the critic frantically taking notes made me cringe watching. I know it's all made up, but it truly is genius because I have a real empathy for his character.

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Blogger Sharon Cobb said...

We should have watched the Grammy Awards and Extras together!

How great were The Police? I thought it was one of the best performances of the night. Sting can still hit the high notes, and Summers and Copeland haven't lost their chops.

I love Extras. It's just so British. I am very into British sense of humor, (Edina, anyone?) and I think the show is brilliant.

I am also a big fan of Curb. Sidebar: Larry David's wife Cheryl is the Producer of Inconvenient Truth and is the person who convinced Al Gore to do the film--s o a big shout out to her when they win in two weeks. Alas, your dream ticket is not to be. Al is having way too much fun enjoying his passion. He's been doing his slide show for as long as I can remember, and it's what his heart loves and what he wants to do. I couldn't be happier for him, though I love your Gore/Obama ticket!

5:55 AM  

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