Thursday, February 09, 2006

Here's the skinny

It's my gall bladder. My friend Anissa (the nurse) got me in this morning to see the doctor she works with (he's a gut specialist). He ordered the HidaScan which is where they inject nuclear something in my vein, then monitor how my body reacts to it. After this 1 1/2 hour test, I met with a surgeon, Dr. Lawson. He said when people have 35% or less gall bladder function, they recommend surgery. Mine was 5% - I have a dead gall bladder. No wonder it hurts like hell.

So I'm having surgery tomorrow. It's outpatient and they expect me to be non-functioning from three days to two weeks, depending on how stoic I am in my recovery. Ugh. I'm heading to the office shortly to turn over my files to another agent that I love and trust.

So that's the skinny. Wish me luck, say some prayers, do whatever you do to send good karma my way! I'll be back.


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