Sarcastro just cracks me up. His comment about the shirt he wants to get for the baby knocked me over. He really isn't as bad as everyone says he is. Hahaha... I love that joke.
I love that joke unless it's not a joke. It actually happened to me in real life once, though, and was a most unpleasant experience. I worked for about two months in radio ad sales at a po-dunk FM station in Elizabethtown, Kentucky. Elizabethtown was most definitely NOT as romantic as the movie with that hunky Orlando Bloom portrayed it to be. I worked my tail off, put miles and miles on my car pitching the station to area businesses, got yelled at by people who already had bad experiences thanks to that lousy station, and was backstabbed by my fellow sales staff.
I was barely scratching out a living. I'd buy chicken legs at the grocery because they were so cheap and would boil two for dinner every night. Boiled chicken legs and canned green beans or canned corn. The real kick was that because I accepted that job
first (right out of college), I felt a misguided sense of loyalty so turned down another offer at the public television station in Evansville so I wouldn't let the FM station down. Well it sure let me down.
But back to the whole Sarcastro tie-in. As I was packing my desk to leave that hell-hole (and by the way the jack ass general manager-owner still owes me a paycheck for $200, the cheap bastard), the local village ... um... mentally challenged man ... was there talking to another salesperson. He asked the salesman who I was, then exclaimed, "Well she's not ugly at all like you said she was!" I really hated that place. It was the most horrible place I've worked, but not the most horrible boss. That's another story altogether.
Now back to the bloggers again (and sorry this is so disjointed). I really enjoyed seeing everyone today and got to sit down and talk with two ladies for my wrinkle series. It will be a toss-up who to write about first, but I plan to do both in the coming week. AND several other fine people have agreed to a sit down. This will be fun.
Labels: bloggers, work