Hallelujah! The sunroom is ALMOST done. The builders
think it's done, but it's not. They've left exposed wood between the vinyl and the stone and that just can't stay like that. Soooo... I guess we'll see them again real soon. Our sunroom people were Centurion Exteriors. For the most part, we really liked them. We paid too much, but it's a guilty pleasure.
On to the highlights and lows of the whole experience. We ordered the sunroom at the beginning of March. They said it would be approximately two weeks before they could get to us, then it would take about 2 days to 1 week to complete, depending on the weather. Well, they started in mid April (that's 6 weeks, not 2). They removed the old deck and the horrible roof at that time.
After it was demolished, another crew came out the following day and built the bottom of the new room (the new deck, if you will). This took approximately 3 days
because of rain.
Three more weeks passed before we saw workers again (apparently the panels for the sunroom weren't in). They finally came in early May and began putting up the panels and installing windows. That went fairly quickly because a four-man crew came and did that. However, finishing the room was also delayed because one of the top panes of glass hadn't come in.... so it really did take them about a week once they started putting the room itself together. The electrician came and did the wiring. We had to wait several days for that part to be completed because of waiting for the electrical inspector to okay before it could be finished. The electrician (Troy) was awesome. He was a sweet little guy who worked his tail off because he has a very ill wife at home he's trying to support. He actually offered to change out a ceiling fan in our dining room while he was there. He and the four-man crew were my favorites (brothers Stacey and Johnny, Justin, and Trey). Very nice decent people.
Then my friend who owns the carpet store sent her installer who proceeded to aggravate me. I "ohhed and ahhed" the carpet as they unrolled it. He said, "Wouldn't be my top pick." Uh...okay then. It's not your room, either. Then the guy came out to lay the stone around the bottom. He stuck his head in the door and exclaimed, "That's some wild looking carpet!" The carpet installer, "Yeah, I don't like it at all." Me: GRRRRRRRR. But I didn't say anything. I left the room before I told them all to get the hell off my property. I needed them more than they needed me. I did tell my friend she needs to tell her installer to keep his mouth shut on future installs or at least agree with everything the homeowner says. She thought it was hilarious, so I just laughed along!
So tomorrow we have the loan lady coming for us to sign paperwork. We've called the salesman and told him we aren't signing shit until the work is completed. The A/C isn't turned on at the breaker box because it was raining the day it needed to be flipped on. And then there's the exposed wood between the walls and the rock (you'll see). Okay, here are the photos.
Two before pics.



See the exposed wood between the walls and the rock? What's that all about??? And now for the inside shots!

And the carpet... what do you think?? Melissa will get mad if she knows I posted this because she was talking when I took it, but it's the best photo of the carpet.

So it's been 2 1/2 months since this whole process began. And it's still not done. My advice, put the start and end date in your contract if you ever order a sunroom.